Better co-parenting, happier kids.

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All of your co-parenting communication on a single platform.

With OFW, your schedule, expenses, and communication are contained within one app, so you can solve shared custody challenges faster and without confusion. That means less conflict and more energy to focus on your children. 

Powerful tools document your parenting time, reimbursement requests, payments, exchanges, and more. 

See the difference OFW could make for your shared parenting

The OFW mobile app lets you quickly create entries to share with your co-parent.
Court approved since 2001.

Courts in all 50 states trust OFW® to provide real solutions to shared parenting communication challenges. 

Documentation you can rely on.

Your data is safe, secure, and easily referenced in detailed records and downloadable reports.

Custom fit for co-parents.

For nearly 20 years, OFW has been working with co-parents to create a platform tailored to their unique needs.

Share important family updates with your co-parent, children, family members, and practitioners.

Discover how it feels to have everyone in sync.

Co-parenting is a team effort that's made easier when everyone is working with the same details. With OurFamilyWizard, co-parents can keep everyone, from grandparents to family law professionals, in the loop. 

Learn more about the different account types that make this possible.

Set your family up for success with specialized accounts

Why do parents choose OFW for their coparenting?

Support for communication.

When I first subscribed to Our Family Wizard, I referred to it as “training wheels” for our family. We were experiencing major changes. Communication was difficult and tense. 

Yet our child continued to depend on us to steady her by working together to make decisions.

Looking back now, I see that Our Family Wizard was not our “training wheels.” It has become a unique tandem bicycle for the three of us as we continue on our special journey.

C.W., OFW Parent since 2017
Peace of mind.

A safe and secure website to keep all communication documented with direct access to relevant professionals. It gives me peace of mind.

M. Rudnick, OFW Parent

OFW has been a tremendous tool since my divorce. The staff and customer support at OFW is unmatched. I have never encountered a more courteous and helpful team irrespective of the time of the day or nature of the call. I am grateful for tools like OFW which has helped with accountability and provided an objective medium. You certainly get what you pay for and more.

Tope, OFW Parent

We believe in our tools.

That's why we make it our mission to ensure every family that could benefit from using OurFamilyWizard is able to do so. 

We believe in our tools.

That's why we make it our mission to ensure every family that could benefit from using OurFamilyWizard is able to do so. 

Practitioners on OFW can review activity by multiple client all from one OFW Professional Account.

OFW for Family Law Practitioners

The powerful tools on OurFamilyWizard aren't limited to co-parenting communication. Attorneys, mediators, and other family law professionals are using OFW Practitioner Accounts to better manage client relationships. 

Simply send a professional access request to clients on OFW and use your practitioner account to review their communication, download detailed reports, and more. 

Learn more